Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's Time for a Posture Check

My current running app likes to ask me for a "Posture Check" at least once per workout.  Sometimes this is really irritating, but today, it made me think in an entirely different way.

In a recent post I complained about how many people chose to share their political opinions on Facebook in a rude, demeaning, or condescending way.  This holds true on whether I agree with the 'side' the person is defending in their post. 

There is another approach taken by others that is more troubling to me - those that say "this is what I believe, but you believe something else.  Both are okay.  Its no big deal."  These posts and statements are not talking about a favorite flavor of ice cream or most enjoyable television show, but about serious moral questions.

So today, I was pleasantly surprised to see this post in my Facebook feed comparing the difference between POSTURE and POSITION.  I think he sums up well the difference between the two, although I believe both are important. 

If your POSTURE is that you will argue and ridicule those who disagree with you, your witness and relationships are damaged - regardless of whether you are correct!  On the other side, if your POSTURE is one of extreme flexibility bordering on relativism, your relationships are not damaged, but I still think your witness is minimized.  As Christians, we are clearly called to certain standards - not because our salvation depends on it.  Rather, the One who layed down His life for us knows what is best for us and we seek to honor Him through all of our actions.

What might it look like to hold firm to your position while maintaining a posture that glorifies God in our encounters with others?  I believe it hinges on a Biblical understanding of man.  All of us are made in the image of God and have value, dignity, and worth.  Nothing can take away from that position, and we need to recognize and proclaim this, maybe most especially with those with whom we disagree. 

The next time I open my running app on my iPhone, it will again remind me to do a posture check.  This is appropriate because this is something we will need to check regularly - daily, maybe hourly - both in our physical body and heart.  Perhaps with practice we can form a habit of a proper spiritual POSTURE toward our God and our fellow man.  This would be a change I would welcome.


Martin LaBar said...

Interesting. Thanks!

Weekend Fisher said...

I came here from Martin LaBar's link and wanted to mention: Hey, that's a really good way to explain the difference. Thanks for posting that.

Take care & God bless
Anne / WF